Mediumship - Spiritual & Intuitive Guidance
Healing - Meet Your Spirit Guides Session
Connecting with Your Loved One…
It brings comfort to your heart and reassurance they are still close.
If you are thinking of a loved one who has passed or would like to check in with them for encouragement in your life, there is comfort, validation, and upliftment from this experience.
If your loved one recently passed, I highly recommend you wait until you have taken care of yourself and mourn before scheduling a session.
Fee: 25 - minutes: $77
Fee: 55 - minutes: $147
Psychic Readings & Spiritual Guidance
Providing Psychic Readings & Spiritual Guidance for Questions in your Life…
We all have those times when we may get stuck and need validation about a life decision or seek guidance and reassurance about our path and direction in life. I can help and will use my intuitive and mediumship abilities to assist you in seeking answers about the many challenges and situations you may face.
Your Spirit Teachers and Guides will draw close to inspire our session together.
Fee: 25 - minutes: $77
Fee: 55 - minutes: $147
Spiritual Healing is an aspect of mediumship…
Spiritual Healing is Divine Healing; it provides a powerful complementary healing energy that may help your recovery, whether you are experiencing physical, emotional, or spiritual distress or grieving, as there are times we all need to be embraced by love and healing.
Healing is a gift from God, and this sacred energy is directed through His Healing Doctors and Ministers in the Spirit Realm who, in turn, work with Spiritual Healers in our World. This form of healing is the most ancient of therapies and is complementary to all forms of treatment. No religious or spiritual beliefs are required to receive it.
Many who have received these healing sessions tell me the healings have helped bring a change in outlook, a positive sense of well-being, calmness, serenity, pain alleviation, and improvement in health.
The Spirit Healers blend their energies with mine to allow healing to flow from the Spirit World to you to where it is needed most for your highest and most beneficial healing. You will be immersed in the exact loving, healing vibrational energies the Spirit Healers determine you require.
This process works whether you are sitting with me in person or sitting remotely in your home.
This healing session is our gift to YOU for a small fee. I donate the money I receive from your fee (the net amount after PayPal fees) to the Sarasota Center of Light’s healing ministry; it’s part of my mission and work associated with the Spirit World.
This is a Healing Session Conducted on Zoom.
Fee: 25 - minutes - $11
Meet Your Spirit Guides
Although you may not realize it, you are constantly surrounded by a vast company of Spirit Beings.
Spirit Guides lead the person in many intricate situations and through many dark passages—which is what you are experiencing now in your life. You do not know where the road leads, when you will turn the corner, or what you will find around it. Human life is a passage through which your Spirit Guides are leading you.
Your Spirit Guides are dear friends who help and assist you for your highest and greatest good. Would you like to meet them and learn their names?
Would you like to know who your four predominant and influential Spirit Guides are and what their roles are in your life?
While knowing their names to develop a relationship with them isn't necessary, it is more personal when you don’t have to say “Hey You”!You
This session introduces you to your Doctor Teacher, Chemist, Protector, and Joy Guide. These are the four primary Guides on your team who worked with you before birth and are with you throughout this lifetime.
My Spirit Team provides the names of your four significant Spirit Team Members and a little about each of them before we meet. Then, as we sit together, you will meet each of these extraordinary people up close.
This reading includes handouts about your Spirit Guides’ roles and how to develop a closer relationship with them.
Please give me a day or two to prepare this reading for you. I need preparation time to sit quietly with my Spirit Team, who pass along the names of your Spirit Guides with details about them. This way, we can devote the entire 55-minute session to YOU to meet and experience each of your Spirit Team Members.
Fee: 55 - minutes: $147
What to expect
We start with a loving prayer and ask the Spirit World to embrace us in love while bringing through the messages and insights for YOUR highest good. My intention and prayer is that you experience the Spirit World's loving embrace as they draw close to assist us in our endeavors together.
Decide the type of session and the amount of time you want.
Consider your questions or the areas in your life you want guidance in. Ask your Spirit Team and departed loved ones to attend our session together.
Your Session
Relax and know everything is in perfect order. The Spirit World has told us there are no accidents.
There are a Few More Things!
For Readings & Healings Sessions:
What to Know
How to Prepare
Choose a 55-minute Spiritual Guidance reading if you want comprehensive, detailed spiritual guidance, teachings, and mediumship messages from the Spirit World.
You will get information from not just one source but several: my Spirit Guides, your departed loved ones, your Spirit Guides, and/or your Higher Soul.
This reading is for people who want deep insight to make big changes, helping you get clarity and make decisions regarding present and future issues you may be facing.
All Readings and Healing Sessions are conducted on Zoom or by Phone. Unless you indicate otherwise, I will send you a Zoom link before our session.
All sessions are for one person only. You can contact me if you would like to arrange a private group reading.
Scheduling a session with me is EASY. You can see what times and dates are available on my schedule, and you can set your appointment. CLICK the “Book HERE” Button under any reading I offer. All appointments are scheduled on this website.
Please Note: If you cannot attend your scheduled appointment, a 24-hour notice is required for cancellation. With proper notice, you can reschedule your time or receive a refund. We are all human; things happen. I understand.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if there is a service you would like, such as a group reading, to give a talk to your group or organization, or a ministerial service you’d like me to perform. CLICK the “Contact” link in the header, and message me to me know how I can help.
I will do much of the work to prepare for your reading before our session together, as I will meditate and open myself to the Spirit realms to receive information that is for the highest and best for you. I will also ask your departed loved ones, your Spirit Team, and my Spirit Team to draw close to assist us.
Here is a list of suggestions to help you prepare for our session:
To access your guidance, I recommend you set an intention for who you would like to hear from and what you want to know. Even though you want to hear from certain individuals, knowing I have no control over the Spirit World is important. Any and all friends and family members may come to share messages with you.
If there are specific people in Spirit you want to hear from, think about them and send loving thoughts out to them, and let them know the time of your Mediumship reading.
Reflect on any questions you may have.
You must not give me any information beforehand about yourself, your situation, your family, etc. It’s evidential and best to receive this information from the Spirit World.
For a Spiritual Guidance reading, make a list of questions you may have.
Equally important, try not to force any messages to fit you or your circumstances by providing me with specific details, whether in advance or during our session.
It’s helpful if you can meditate before our session (or sit still and quiet your mind) and take several deep, full breaths before you log onto Zoom. This will help calm and relax you so you can stay open to our experience together with the Spirit World.
If you have never received a Spiritual Guidance or Mediumship reading, you may feel a little anxious or wonder what to do or how to prepare for our session together.
Here is a list of suggestions you can use to help you prepare:
Whether your reading is on Zoom or the phone, arrive a few minutes early so you are ready and not feeling rushed or stressed.
Minimize distractions around you. Attending the session in a quiet, private room away from others and pets is best.
Place your phone in airplane mode or in “do not disturb” mode, regardless of whether we meet on Zoom or the phone.
Please do not attempt to do a phone or Zoom reading from your work or in your car. You will be easily distracted and miss a lot of information and details from the Spirit World.
Please be open-minded and curious about what is occurring in our session. The more open-minded and relaxed you are, the better the energy can flow from the Spirit World.
If someone you wanted to hear from does not communicate, please do not take it personally and do not assume that person does not love you. The lack of communication can be for several reasons that we are not privy to but never has to do with how they feel about you. They will sense if you are overwhelmed with grief or overly anxious about receiving a message from them. They want to comfort you and not create more grief, anxiety, or harm. And may wait until a later time to communicate with you.
Your session will not be recorded, but you are welcome to record the session.
No video recording of the session is allowed. And I reserve the right to pause the session for any reason. On the rare occasion that the Spirit World does not open to communicate with us, I reserve the right to end the session at any time at No Cost to You.
The readings I provide are for guidance only.
What you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information I give you, is based on your personal responsibility and choice.
All readings and questions answered should never be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological, or business facts and are subject to your interpretation and judgment.
For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are only for entertainment.
My services are not a substitute for professional services, and it is advised that you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.
Ethical behavior and personal responsibility are any service provider’s highest standards and best qualities.
As a Metaphysical Spiritual Minister and Medium, I proudly honor the code of ethical principles described and outlined below for all clients, professionals I work with, and all who cross my path.
1. Do No Harm
I understand that Spirit gifted me abilities to use only in serving the highest and greatest good of all involved. I also understand that should my gifts be used for the wrong purpose, they will be withdrawn. My gifts are solely for helping and supporting others with spiritual connections. I strive to always use my resources appropriately, in the best way possible, and only to benefit my community and humanity.
2. Keep Confidentiality
A client’s trust is highly valued. Everything shared within the client-practitioner sphere is kept strictly confidential. It is ethical to disclose confidential and personal information only when the client consents to it or when there is a real and imminent threat of harm to the client or others, and this threat can only be diffused by a breach of confidentiality.
3. Respect Rights
I respect the rights and preferences of my clients, students, and spiritual colleagues. I also agree to respect a person’s right to refuse or accept help on their own terms and will never force a reading, a message, personal opinions, or lifestyle choices on anyone. I believe in free choice and free will.
4. Withhold Judgement
I owe my clients and colleagues an open attitude and agree only to provide spiritual services when I can do so as an unbiased and transparent vessel. I will not allow my own Judgement to be influenced by personal profit, unfair discrimination, or personal emotions.
5. Respect Colleagues
Spiritual professionals never undermine other colleagues to attract clients and treat their colleagues as they would like to be treated with kindness and respect. When necessary, spiritual professionals communicate with colleagues who are involved in the care of the same individual, and this communication respects the confidentiality and permission of the client. Only the necessary client information is conveyed.
6. Providing Service
I only provide services that I believe will help the client, student, or colleague at the highest level. No service will be offered if it’s not what I know through the guidance of Spirit is best for the client, student, or colleague.
7. The Seven Principles of Spiritualism
I follow the Seven Principles of Spiritualism that were given to us from the Spirit World through the mediumship of Emma Hardinge Britten to help us navigate and combine our spiritual and human journeys.
These Seven Principles are the acknowledgment and acceptance of:
1. The Fatherhood/Motherhood of God
2. The Brotherhood/Sisterhood of People
3. The Communion (communication) of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels
4. The Continuous Existence of the Human Soul
5. Personal Responsibility
6. Compensation and Retribution Hereafter for all the Good and Evil Deeds done on Earth
7. Eternal Progress is Open to Every Human Soul
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“The reason for (spirit) communication is love; love governs communication, whether it be in love founded on the relationship between people who know one another on earth, or the love of service and the desire to help humankind that attracts unknowns to one another.”
— Silver Birch